Ultrasonic Flow Meters

20+ Years Manufacturing Experience

Application of ultrasonic liquid level meter in petrochemical industry

Tank level measurement

In the petrochemical industry, storage tanks are one of the common equipment used to store various liquid materials. The ultrasonic level gauge can be used to measure the height of the liquid level in the storage tank to help the operator grasp the storage situation of the storage tank in time to avoid the occurrence of accidents such as overflow or empty tanks.

Reactor level control

The reactor is the equipment used for chemical reaction in the petrochemical industry, and the control requirements for liquid level are very high. The ultrasonic level meter can provide accurate data for the operator through real-time monitoring of the height of the liquid level in the reactor, help control the process of the reaction and improve production efficiency.

Pipeline level monitoring

In the process of pipeline transportation in the petrochemical industry, the liquid level of the pipeline needs to be monitored to ensure smooth and safe transportation. The ultrasonic liquid level meter can be installed on the pipeline to monitor the height of the liquid in the pipeline in real time, provide timely data feedback for the operator, help adjust the transmission parameters, and ensure the stability and safety of the transmission.

Post time: Jan-22-2024

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