Ultrasonic Flow Meters

20+ Years Manufacturing Experience

Mount the TF1100-DC transmitter in a location that is:

Mount the TF1100 transmitter in a location that is:
♦ Where little vibration exists.
♦ Protected from falling corrosive fluids.
♦ Within ambient temperature limits -20 to 60°C
♦ Out of direct sunlight. Direct sunlight may increase transmitter temperature to above the
maximum limit.
3. Mounting: Refer to Figure 3.1 for enclosure and mounting dimension details. Ensure that enough room is available to allow for door swing, maintenance and conduit
entrances. Secure the enclosure to a flat surface with four appropriate fasteners.
4. Conduit holes. Conduit hubs should be used where cables enter the enclosure. Holes not used for cable entry should be sealed with plugs.
5. If additional holes are required, drill the appropriate size hole in the enclosure’s bottom. Use extreme care not to run the drill bit into the wiring or circuit cards.

Post time: Aug-28-2023

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