Ultrasonic Flow Meters

20+ Years Manufacturing Experience

Ultrasonic flowmeters usually consist of the following main parts:

Ultrasonic flowmeters usually consist of the following main parts:

1 Transmitter (Transducer) : The transmitter is one of the core components of the ultrasonic flow meter, which is responsible for generating ultrasonic pulses and sending them to the fluid. These pulses are usually sent at fixed intervals.

2 Receiver (Transducer) : The receiver is also one of the key components for receiving ultrasonic signals reflected back from the fluid. The receiver converts the received signal into an electrical signal for subsequent processing.

3. Signal Processing Unit: This unit is used to measure the propagation time of the ultrasonic wave and process the received signal. It typically includes components such as a clock circuit, a counter, and a digital signal processor.

4. Flow Pipe: The fluid pipe is a channel that measures the flow of fluid, and the ultrasonic pulse is propagated through this channel.

5. Sensor Mounting Assembly: This device is used to mount the transmitter and receiver on the fluid pipe to ensure that the ultrasonic wave can be smoothly transmitted and correctly received.

Post time: Feb-26-2024

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