Ultrasonic Flow Meters

20+ Years Manufacturing Experience

What are the shortages of ultrasonic water meters?

Ultrasonic water meter is also a kind of ultrasonic flow meter, and the accuracy is higher than other smart water meters. It has been used in industrial fields, chemical fields and farmland irrigation for many times, and has excellent small flow detection ability, which can solve many problems of traditional water meters. Widely used in aviation, ships, automobiles, electrical appliances, packaging, toys, electronics, textiles and other industries.

The disadvantages of ultrasonic water meters are as follows:

1. High sensitivity of flow field.

2. The ability to track water flow changes is weak.

3. It is difficult to design the protection IP of the shell under low power consumption.

4 Ultrasonic water meter stability is low, such as the medium contains bubbles, susceptible to bubbles, affected by scale, affected by water temperature.

Post time: Oct-29-2023

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