Ultrasonic Flow Meters

20+ Years Manufacturing Experience

Why does Lanry flow meter show low signal value?

1. Check the pipe is full or not full water pipe,if empty or partially filled pipe,flow meter will display a bad signal; ( For TF1100 and DF61serial transit time flow meter )
2. Check the pipe measured if it is used enough coupling paste when mounting the sensors,if air is between the sensor surface and that of the pipe, signal will be diminished. 
3. Check if  the surface of pipe is in good condition.If the pipe is rusted, or covered in a flaking paint coat, then a file, wire brush, emery paper, or a grinder should be used to provide smooth surface on which the sensors can be installed;
4. Check the orientation of the sensors. If the pipe is horizontal then I suggest that the sensors mounted on the external pipe, dont mount on the top or bottom of pipe.
5. Check the alignment of the sensors.  
6. Check the wiring of the sensors for fixed installation units in order to be sure that they are connected correctly.
7. Check the medium measured if it is ok to meaure.If the solids contents is over 30% or below 15%,the gaseous content is too high,it will show low signal value.

Post time: Jul-01-2022

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